
2017年7月12日,传奇导演Alejandro Jodorowsky将著名演员Daniel Craig(007扮演者之一)叫到纽约现代艺术博物馆的舞台上,并为他当场进行塔罗占卜。
1. 与会者现场录制的原视频
2. 西柚摘录并翻译Jodorowsky的读牌

Jodorowsky:That is a very nice card as you see, this is picking to waiting for the calling. Some calling be waiting, because this is the angel calling something with, it’s being something that he is waiting to call or he like to be waiting.

Jodorowsky:Oh! It feels beautiful because it’s time to give to you when you are waiting with that, that they are giving you something. What is that?

Jodorowsky:At the magician. I’ve seen what happened. I don’t know what is the question but the answer is it wasn’t. But it should give you permission you are doing what you want, you need to see with the, when you come to 90 years old. Sorry, I don’t understand. The person who won’t believe that this is a very young person, but would you when you come such to 20 years, such really that. There you were can that be……(后面西柚和朋友都听不清是啥了)

Jodorowsky:Before everything you need to be free, freedom. You, freedom. For I don’t know for what but here one personally feel about the other person. Is that the same person? I don’t know maybe it’s the same person, maybe it isn’t. Is the person who project in part of you, making the game to predict the surface in the heaven, and giving the secrecy you need.
3. 当年外网新闻报道内容
By Mara Siegler|Published July 15, 2017, 2:40 p.m. ET
Daniel Craig got a peek at his own destiny at MoMA during a discussion with Chilean cult director Alejandro Jodorowsky on Wednesday.
Jodorowsky brought the Bond star onstage and read his tarot cards, which were projected on a large screen.
“He pulled someone waiting for an angel, another card with stars,” says an attendee.
“It was a bit confusing. It’s all so strange and surreal and unspecific.”
We hope it was good — perhaps it was confirmation that Craig would be wise to sign on for one more Bond movie?